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Upcoming Census may be a problem for immigrants

Upcoming Census may be a problem for immigrants

Immigrants in Florida are constantly on edge in this political climate. They are in fear of being deported, questioned, arrested and a number of other situations. The upcoming Census in 2020 has become the newest thing for immigrants to worry about in regards to their citizenship.

For the first time in 70 years, the Census may ask what a person’s citizenship status is. Questions about citizenship would likely make an immigrant nervous to participate in the Census. If a person does not participate in the Census, it can have repercussions including representation in Congress and federal funding. Everyone should be counted in the Census, but when immigrants are worried about their privacy it can throw off the census numbers, especially in areas with high numbers of immigrants, including Miami.

Everyone knows that the Census is an important task that the federal government undertakes every 10 years. The Census accomplishes many things, including divvying out federal funding and allocating Congressional representatives based on population. But, when people are scared to participate in the census, it can lead to inaccurate numbers and maybe even areas that don’t receive enough funding. Immigrants should not have to feel scared to participate in the Census, regardless of their citizenship status.

Immigrants who are interested in obtaining United States citizenship may want to speak with an attorney who specializes in immigration. An attorney understands the trepidation their clients may feel regarding their citizenship questions and how the process may appear to be daunting. They can guide their clients through what they need to do and help them with their immigration goals.

Source:, “Upcoming 2020 Census sparks fears of citizenship question”, Tatiana Sanchez, Feb. 16, 2018