Knowing When To Get A Second Medical Opinion In Florida
On behalf of Jed Kurzban
Do you feel you and your physical health are better off with a second medical opinion? Know when circumstances might require that you go elsewhere for better treatment.
Looking after your medical health is essential to making the most of your life in Florida. If you have recently received a medical diagnosis you are not sure about, or if you feel your doctor is not listening to you, you may be thinking about seeking out a second opinion to put your doubts to rest. No matter your reasons for wanting a second medical opinion, getting one could be key to avoiding a medical malpractice case. So what other situations warrant seeking out another physician’s opinion?
You want to explore all your options for treatment
Even with insurance, some medical procedures can still be rather expensive. Or, it could be that the treatment your doctor recommends is one that you are not completely comfortable with. Knowing all your options for treatment can help you save money or improve your overall results, all without compromising on the level of care you are receiving.
You feel your current treatment is lacking
There are situations in which results are missing from a patient’s medical tests, which can prompt a doctor to proceed with a potentially unnecessary course of treatment. Such negligence can not only lead to a medical misdiagnosis, but unnecessary and potentially harmful treatment. Another doctor’s opinion could fill in the gaps and put the patient at ease.
You would like to consider a less-invasive option
Perhaps the surgical option you received is a bit more invasive than you are comfortable with. Your current doctor tells you that while there are less-invasive surgical options, she feels that a major surgery is your best option, but she does not go into too much detail about those less-invasive options. You may feel more comfortable sitting down and talking with a doctor who prefers minimally-invasive surgeries before considering anything else.
On the other hand, it could be that while you are comfortable with the invasive surgical option, you feel that your doctor does a poor job of communicating with you and explaining the procedure. If so, you could seek out another physician whom you feel does a better job of explaining everything in terms you can understand.
You have an unusual or a rare diagnosis
Your regular doctor might not be familiar with your unique medical condition. If she or he is not, it makes perfect sense for you to get another opinion from a specialist who has the right experience and medical training necessary to improve your health. Your current doctor will likely understand your desires and may even be able to make a few recommendations.
No matter how many opinions you receive from doctors in Florida, there is no guarantee you will never be involved in legal trouble. If you feel you may be the victim of medical negligence, seek out the help of an attorney.